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6:00 AM

I wake up at 6:00 to get ready for school then I go and wake up my brother and then I go eat. The techniques I used were framing and negative space.

 7:22 AM

 I Leave the house at 7:22 and walk to the bus stop and wait for the bus to come and pick us up. the techniques I used were leading lines and negative space.

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8:00 AM

I get to school around 8:00 and go with my friend to her locker. The techniques I used were leading lines and worm's eye view.

8:09 AM

I go the library and work on some assignments that I didn't get to finish over the weekend. The techniques I used were rule of thirds and leading lines.

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4:30 PM

I get home and eat because I don't eat lunch sometimes. The techniques that I used were leading lines and worm's eye view.

4:50 PM

After I finish eating I go outside to feed my pets. The techniques I used were selective focus and leading lines.

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Once I'm done feeding the animals I play with my dogs for a bit or just sit on a chair outside. The techniques I used were rule of thirds and negative space.

5:10 PM

6:00 PM

After I go inside I start to do my homework. The techniques I used were framing and negative space.

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7:00 PM

After I'm done with my homework I start to play some games on my tablet. The techniques I used were framing and bird's eye view.

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8:00 PM

After playing some games I go to sleep. The techniques I used were worm's eye view and negative space.

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