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Why I chose this animal: I chose this animal because it is one of many fierce big cats and when I found out that there are only about 400 left I realized that even the most strongest animals still are very vulnerable to other things; for example hunting and habitat loss.

Line: I used line to trace over the details of the tiger. 

Shape: I used shape to get outline of the tigers body.

Color: I used color by using the complementary of orange, which is blue, to make the tiger stand out more.

Value: I used value to get the different tints and shades on the tigers body.

Form: I used form on the paws to make them look 3D.

Texture: I used texture on the rock to make it more realistic.

Space: I used different shades of colors on the front legs to outline it out from the side of the body and to make the other leg look like it is on the other side of the body and the back legs and tail to make it look like they are further back on the other side of the body.

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