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Define points, lines, and planes.
Points are dots that can be different sizes; Lines are long, narrow marks that can also be different sizes, and planes are basically shapes.

Explain your choice of word and the project objective. 

Lines thumbnail
My choice of word is "Dream" because it can go with anything. The objective of the project was to create the word using points, lines, and planes.

Share your design process

I needed to create the word in lines and wanted it to represent a nightmare. So, I thought of ripped curtains in a dark room. I looked for a picture of ripped curtains and downloaded it. I placed it in illustrator, and started tracing every single detail. I drew the word dream in my sketch book, making it look like rips in a curtain and finally uploaded it to illustrator. Lastly, I added the color.

How did your ideas evolve?

At first, I wanted to do the word in the form of scars but I didn't know what it was going to be placed on. So then I started to think of something that was similar to scars and decided I was going to do curtain rips.
What do you especially like about your design?
I especially like how it kind of looks realistic.
What could have gone better?
I could have added a bit more details to the curtain and added a few things like bloody hand prints on the wall or a random shadow of something to add to the theme of a nightmare. 
What else would you like your audience to know?
I would like my audience to know that This was kind of rushed due to the fact that I was two days behind on it.
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