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    Color Wheel


    What is color? How do we see it?

    Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them. We see color because light from the sun reflects off different objects and we are able to see the color.

    What are the CMY Primary colors?

    The CMY Primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow.

    What are the CMY Secondary colors?

    The CMY Secondary colors are red, green, and blue.

    What are the CMY Tertiary colors?

    The CMY Tertiary colors are yellow-orange, yellow-green, and blue-green.

    What did I learn about photoshop?

    I learned that photoshop is a bit easier to work with.

    What do you want the audience to notice?

    I would like the audience to notice that this is a picture of my dog.

    Color Harmonies

    Mandala Color Harmonies (6).png

    What else would you like your audience to notice?

    What did you learn about color Harmonies?

    What color Harmonies did you use in this project?

    What color harmony turned out the best?

    I would like my audience to know I colored it in certain colors to make it look like a Christmas theme and added a paw and a reindeer.

    I learned that there are different way to find good color combinations.

    I used Triad Harmony, Monochromatic Harmony, and Shades Harmony.

    The color harmony that turned out best was the Triad harmony.


    Color Psychology/Color with Emotion

    pexels-alexas-fotos-12874286 (2).jpg

    Describe the photo

    This photo shows 4 dogs in a field playing and exploring.

    What were the original colors? Why did the artist choose those colors?

    The colors I chose were yellow, red, and blue. I chose these colors to show strength, value unity, integrity in relationships, and happiness.

    What colors did you change and why?


    The colors I changed were the green yellow, and red because I wanted the image to show strength, value unity, and happiness.

    How did changing the colors change the meaning of the photo?

    Changing the colors changed the meaning of the photo by showing the different emotion that the picture is giving.

    What else would you like your audience to notice?

    I would like my audience to know that i worked very hard to try and show the meaning of this photo.

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